Summer Days 2024

My movement for the day. This is a huge milestone for me. After breaking my leg 8 years ago, I’ve kinda hung up my passion for snowboarding. It was a huge part of my life for 20 years, living on Mt. Hood, working to snowboard and travel. The accident was a freak, and in the moment I knew it was a blessing in disguise.

Shattering my tibia was one of the most amazing turning points of my life. I immediately was done bartending for a living at a high volume bar on a world renowned mountain that you can ski and snowboard on year round. My life changed in an instant. I didn’t walk for 6 months. For the first month I couldn’t even put my foot below my heart. My body suffered major trauma and have had pain ever since.

Today as I got on my friend’s boat, I was unsure whether I was going to try to wake surf or not. I actually started getting really nervous and I could feel my SNS turning on. I was thinking to myself “you have to try”. I hadn’t wake surfed for over a decade, nor have I done anything “extreme” in terms of sports or activities since I broke my leg.

I jumped in the water and grabbed into the board. My friend handed me the rope, I got into position, it was all feeling familiar. When I was set up I said “hit it” and I was up!

I am so grateful for the opportunity today to face some fear, take a chance, and trust my body. I felt strong, in the flow, and elated to be up on that board, riding the wave.

I walked away thinking, maybe I’ll get on my snowboard this year?

photo shot at Promontory Park, Oregon


September is for change…


Do you feel free?